How to take care of rabbits

How to take care of the rabbit.

 These lovely creatures are very cute. As much as they are cute in appearance, they have to be taken care of more than other pets. So do think once before bringing it. They like to chew, so keep them where there is no electricity cables. You will need a few things before bringing them. A large cage of about 4-5 feet, a dry punch that you can lay under the cage. And you get ease while cleaning the cage. Rabbits like to poop while eating. And this is what you have to take advantage of. All you have to do is to take a box 1 ft × 1 ft. You have to put the food buff in it, which will benefit that the dirt in your house will be less and easy to clean. The rabbit likes to jump and therefore leave it open for 2-3 hours in your presence. Where there should be no other animal, even if it is your pet dog or cat. The rabbit's heart is very weak and gets scared quickly. Due to which he may also die.

Rabbits life

 A domesticated rabbit can live for 5–10 years. If he is looked after properly.
Whereas wild rabbits live only for 2-3 years. Because wild rabbits easily hunted by wild animals.

Weight and size

     ■ An average rabbit can weigh up to 1–1.5 kg.

     ■ Size can be up to one feet a foot.


     ■ The most common is albino what we call White Rabbit.
     ■ Black
     ■ Brown
     ■ Mix color etc.

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 By the way, many rabbit foods will be found in the market. Which are made according to the rabbit needs. In which you will also get pellet. And if you do not want to give market food, then you can give them some things that will be easily found at your home.
      ■ apple
     ■ banana
     ■ Staybury
     ■ Carrot
     ■ Cabbage
     ■ Tomatoes
     ■ Brokley
     Cabbage ■
     ■ Watermelon (without seeds)
     ■ fresh green grass

Harmful food that you should not give to rabbits.

     ■ Mix Pellets
     ■ corn
     ■ Milk Curd
     ■ Biscuits
     ■ Awakedo

How to breed rabbits

 Decide why do you want to breed before you breed the rabbit. Because breeding rabbits will increase your work. If you are thinking about making money, then talk to a pet shop owner about this before going to breed because there are many people in the market who breed rabbits. And rabbit meat is in demand in many countries. And that's why there is no shortage of rabbits in the market. Many times we breed, but when the numbers are high, we leave them in the forests and they are hunted by some wild animals.

■ Rabbit should never be breed through the same blood line. Such as sister brother, father daughter etc.

     ■ A normal rabbit becomes adult in 6-7 months.

     ■ You must have two separate cages or boxes before breeding. So that after giving the babies, the female can look after the children properly.
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     ■ Always choose a health pair so that children can also be born healthy.

     ■ You leave the male female together for a few hours and keep an eye on them. And do this for three to four days.

     ■ In 14-15 days you will see that the female will look slightly bigger and thicker.

     ■ Female rabbit can give children anytime between 30-35 days. Meanwhile, keep the male away from female.

     ■ Before giving the baby, you have to put a dry grasses in the box or cage. So that the babies can be safe.

     ■ And in the meantime do not hold the female with arms nor disturb it.

     ■ Daily check after giving baby. And if there is a dad, then remove it.

     ■ Take special care of the female diet after giving the baby.

     ■ Babies grow up in a few days and there is more dirt in the cage. Hence, you kept cleaning the cage from time to time.

     ■ Children grow up in 7 weeks. And eat themselves. At this time, children should be separated from female.

Written by Ankit


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