How to care molly fish

How to care molly fish

Molly Fish is one of the most recognized fish. It looks very attractive due to its small size.
And it is found in many colors. Which causes the curiosity to see Mollie Fish again and again.  This fish can live both in salt water and in fresh water.  And this fish is very hardy fish. And do not fall ill easily.  Male is very aggressive in molly fish.  So it should always keep the same match with three female.  Which is the right way.  It costs very little to keep molly fish. And you don't even need to give much time.

Size and life of molly fish


     ■ Mollie fish can be up to 3-4 inches in 6 months after their birth.

     ■ Moly fish can easily survive for 5 years if properly cared .

Tank setup
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     ■ The 30 liter tank is enough for Molly Fish.  You can also keep it in a 20 liter tank.

     ■ You can decorate the tank with artificial plants or live plants. Molly Fish likes to hide.

     ■ You can also use scenery to make the tank look beautiful.

     ■ You can use gravel to give a natural touch to the bottom surface of the tank.

Water filter

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     ■ You will need a water filter that helps to clean the water.
Air pump

     ■ The air pump makes the oxygen supply in the water. So that the fish does not have any problem in breathing.

Water heater

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     ■ Temperature of 22-24 degrees Celsius is better for molly fish. In which it's remains stress free and can easily breed.

Food for molly fish

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     ■ Daphnia
     ■ green peas finely
     ■ Protein Pellets
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     ■ brine shrimp
     ■ cucumber finely
     ■ live worms
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     ■ blood worms
     ■ Never over feed the fish.
     ■ Give as much at one time that the food is finished in 4-5 minutes.
     ■ Fish may also die due to over feeding.
     ■ Molly fish can be fed little by little 2-3 times a day.

Male and female in molly fish

  ■ There is a slight bulge near the vent of the male.

   ■ While the female has a wing near its vent.

Mollie Fish Breeding Age

     ■ A male molly fish becomes adult in 5 months.  And can breed easily in 12 months. 

     ■ While female molly fish can breed in 6 months.

How to breed molly fish

Molly fish are easy to breed.  Molly fish gives birth to a Fry's instead of eggs.  Which can give birth to about 30-50 frys.  Male fish is aggressive so you should have 3 female molly with one male. The belly of a pregnant molly fish will look larger than the normal size and there will be a black spot near the abdomen which you can find out if your molly fish is pregnant or not.

     ■ You will need a second tank before giving birth to Fry's. A molly fish carry their Fry's in the abdomen for 2 months during pregnancy.
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     ■ The time from breeding to giving birth to  Fry's is up to 60 days.

     ■ When you feel that molly fish is pregnant, then after 45 days, put it in another tank, which should have a temperature of 24 ° C. And keep it in the tank until it gives birth to Fry's.

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     ■ Immediately after giving birth to the frys, you must put the molly fish again in the previous tank. Otherwise, the molefish can eats their Fry's.

     ■ From the second day you can give food to the Fry's up to 3 times a day.  There are many types of foods in the market for Fry's . You can give them.
     ■ Always change the water up to 30% every week because old water contains good bacteria.  Due to which the fish remains healthy and does not fall ill easily.

Written by Ankit


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