How to take care of java birds

Java birds care

Java is an Indonesian bird that lives on the island of Bali. These birds live in flocks. The people of Bali mostly cultivate paddy. And Java's most favorite food is paddy. Java paddy is eaten with great fervor. Java birds ruin rice crops cultivated by farmers. Because of which people do not like Java. The java sparrow medium size is up to 5 inches and is very good to see. The beak of the java finch is slightly larger. But it does not hurt anyone. The immune system of Java Bird is very strong due to which it does not get sick quickly. Java Birds is a famous cage bird for many years. Which is one of the reared birds all over the world. Taking care of this bird is very easy, due to which young and old people can easily look after it. This bird is also known for its beauty as well as its melodious voice. In Java Bird only Male Bird sings. The java bird likes to live in herds. So always keep them in groups.

Java birds love bathing, so give water to a bird for bathing or spray it with a water spray bottle.

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Nature of java birds

 Java is a bird of peace. You can also place it with other birds like: Zebra Finch, Gauldian Finch, Bengali Finch, and other Finch groups. If you are keeping them with other birds then try to make the cage a little bigger and not have any problem in living and flying.
  Birds become slightly aggressive during the breeding season. Therefore, special care is needed at this time.

Java birds breeds

 There are four types of breeds in the Normal Java Birds.
      ■ Gray or it is also called wild color.
     ■ Silver has black eyes.
     ■ Brown Its eyes are red
     ■ Also called white / albino. It comes in two varieties. One in Black Eye and the other in Red Eye.

Food for Java Bird
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     ■ By the way different seed mix comes for each bird.
 You can give them mixed mix seed and add paddy in it because Java loves paddy very much.
      ■ You can give java bird green leafy vegetables like: - Spinach, fenugreek, coriander, mint.
     ■ You can serve apples in fruits.
     ■ Sprouted Pulses
     ■ boiled egg

Java birds breeding

     ■ Breeding is required to have a male female confirmation.
     ■ Java birds are adult in 8 months.
     ■ Birds must be one year old for better breeding.
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     ■ At least give a 2 × 1.5 cage for breeding bird birds.
     ■ Make sure the size of the breeding box is at least 5 × 5 inches. 8 × 8 inches is much better.
     ■ Java birds can breed 3-4 times a year.
     ■ Female Java bird can lay 4-8 eggs.
     ■ After laying eggs, the female bird incubates the eggs for 15 days, after 15 days, the eggs begin to hatch. Babies come out of the box in 25–30 days and become self-sufficient in 40–45 days.
     ■ Breeding season of Java Birds is from August to December. And if the temperature is correct, birds can breed anytime.
     ■ Breeds should not be taken from birds in very cold and extreme heat.

Written by Ankit


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